Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happiness...The way it is!!

Life, as they say, is a castle of building blocks. You put it piece by piece to carve out the best shape and a sweeping wind all of a sudden destroys it all.. There is end of your life, and you leave this world as you came, "EMPTY HANDED"..
It leaves us with a question, What are we doing about it? Should we just throw up our hands in despair and lament about the fact that all we have is going to be left behind? 
Let's just change the perspective and look it this way,
When in the end, all will be left, lets collect something which we don't have to carry, let's collect which is serene, lets collect what we are going to spread as we leave, lets collect HAPPINESS!!

This is,just exactly the answer of the next obvious question..where do we find happiness? It does not come from getting a dream job that pays you million dollars. Neither does it come from living in a 20-storey mansion where you need a mercedes not only to travel outside,but inside too. Its all a matter of collecting the right moments, savoring the right memories, relishing the right company. When was the last time you became happy with no fear in mind? 

  • When you fed a poor hungry street kid, and felt the peace and satisfaction watching him eat, did you feel happy that time?
  • When all of a sudden, a friend with whom you hadn't talked to for years, called you up. His voice, his stories, did that make you happy?
  • When your friend was sad, sitting alone and you judged the situation without asking, hugged him and said, "It will be all right buddy!!" and then he smiled. That must be something that made you feel happy too.
  • Sitting with your loved one, you watched a romantic movie,and after it ended, SHE/HE said to you, "I LOVE YOU DEAR!!" Did you feel happy then?
  • When you spent the best of the hours with people you love, and remembered those moments later at night, I bet it brought happiness on your face.
  • When after all the toil, you presented your first salary check to your dad, did that glint of pride in his eyes bring happiness to you?
  • Being with a baby, playing with him, watching him smile, feeling his little hands and feet, and watching him sleep, you felt a smile on your face too?
  • Being in nature's lap,on a mountain, in a green field,or at a beach, feeling the breeze, watching the people pass by,watching the morning sun and closing your eyes. you definitely felt that happiness.
  • When in the middle of the night, and your snoring sounds, somebody woke you up, turned on the lights and screamed. "SURPRIZE!!!" You must have got irritated then but it did bring a smile on your face later, didn't it?
  • That moment when you lived the way you wanted to, screamed, laughed at something which only you and your friend knew about, joked meaninglessly..teased your loved ones..beahaved like mad people, danced so carelessly that it looked obscene, sang like the worst singers and felt proud of it, your most embarassing moment, your moment of victory, the moment you got caught something you were not suppossed to do, oh and the list is endless. Doesn't remembering all this makes you happy? not even a little bit?
That is what happiness is all about. Live your life so that there's never a dull moment. Every second, every minute is yours. Go on, find people who care for you and live your life the way you want. Live for others, live for yourself!! Just Live your life.. Coz we live once and only ONCE. Rest becomes history!!